Filename : C:\DATA\hack\kos\nadhera dvd.exe File Size : 312,832 Bytes Created Date : 25.7.2012 20:40:02 Modified Date : 25.7.2012 20:40:02 Executable Format : Portable Executable (32-bit) MS-DOS Header Information ========================= Bytes in the last page : 80 Number of pages : 2 Relocation entries : 0 Header size in paragraphs : 4 Initial SS (Relative) : 0x0000 Initial SP : 0x00b8 Initial CS (Relative) : 0x0000 Initial IP : 0x0000 Checksum : 0x0000 Portable Executable Header Information =================================== Machine : Intel 386 Number Of Sections : 8 Number Of Symbols : 0 Optional Header Size : 224 Bytes Time Stamp : 0x2a425e19 Characteristics : * Line nunbers stripped from file * Local symbols stripped from file * Bytes of machine word are reversed * Bytes of machine word are reversed Optional Header Information =================================== Linker Version : 2.25 Size Of Code : 267,264 Bytes Size of initialized data : 44,544 Bytes Size of uninitialized data : 0 Bytes Section Alignment : 4,096 Bytes File Alignment : 512 Bytes OS Version : 1.0 Image Version : 0.0 Subsystem Version : 4.0 Size Of Image : 335,872 Bytes Size Of Headers : 1,024 Bytes Checksum : 0x00000000 Subsystem : Windows GUI Reserve Stack Size : 0x00100000 Commit Stack Size : 0x00004000 Reserve Heap Size : 0x00100000 Commit Heap Size : 0x00001000 Base Address : 0x00400000 Entry Point : 0x00042334 Base Of Code : 0x00001000 Base Of Data : 0x00043000 Section Headers Information =================================== This file has 8 sections: ---------------------------------------- Section Name : CODE Virtual Address : 0x00001000 Raw Data Size : 0x00041400 Raw Data Pointer : 0x00000400 Characteristics : Code, Executable, Readable ---------------------------------------- Section Name : DATA Virtual Address : 0x00043000 Raw Data Size : 0x00000e00 Raw Data Pointer : 0x00041800 Characteristics : Initialized Data, Readable, Writable ---------------------------------------- Section Name : BSS Virtual Address : 0x00044000 Raw Data Size : 0x00000000 Raw Data Pointer : 0x00042600 Characteristics : Readable, Writable ---------------------------------------- Section Name : .idata Virtual Address : 0x00045000 Raw Data Size : 0x00002000 Raw Data Pointer : 0x00042600 Characteristics : Initialized Data, Readable, Writable ---------------------------------------- Section Name : .tls Virtual Address : 0x00047000 Raw Data Size : 0x00000000 Raw Data Pointer : 0x00044600 Characteristics : Readable, Writable ---------------------------------------- Section Name : .rdata Virtual Address : 0x00048000 Raw Data Size : 0x00000200 Raw Data Pointer : 0x00044600 Characteristics : Initialized Data, Shared, Readable ---------------------------------------- Section Name : .reloc Virtual Address : 0x00049000 Raw Data Size : 0x00004a00 Raw Data Pointer : 0x00044800 Characteristics : Initialized Data, Shared, Readable ---------------------------------------- Section Name : .rsrc Virtual Address : 0x0004e000 Raw Data Size : 0x00003400 Raw Data Pointer : 0x00049200 Characteristics : Initialized Data, Shared, Readable ---------------------------------------- *** The file was compiled by Borland Delphi *** Version Information ==================== Operating System : 32-bit Windows File Type : Application File Sub-Type : Unknown File Version : 1,0,0,0 Product Version : 1,0,0,0 ============================================================ Product Name : File Description : To nasere... File Version : Product Version : Company Name : Vega TEAM Internal Name : Legal Copyright : © Vít Jurásek Original FileName :