[23:18:35.28] Failed to configure RAID0 + SRT [23:18:35.28] Please check C:\System.sav\Logs\RSTPrep.log for more information [23:19:45.16] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ... ***CTO Error condition has been dtected in [Factory Update] phase !! *** [23:19:45.16] Suggest to create PIN-log and send to TWN PDC NB-PreinPM for further analysis ... ... [23:19:45.16] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [23:17:55.47] Start BBOffline.cmd... UPDrv=[C:] [23:17:55.50] Set UIA Error Code to 951 [23:17:55.52] Delete [FBI] folder. [23:17:55.52] WinPE is 64bit. [23:17:55.52] Check BIOS platform key enrollment... [23:17:55.52] Starts [FixUps]. [23:17:55.52] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [23:17:55.52] FixUps.cmd... [23:18:00.41] FixUps.cmd completed... [23:18:00.41] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [23:18:00.41] Starts [Tweaks for SSRD]. [23:18:00.44] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [23:18:00.44] SSRD Tweaks to change user default locale... [23:18:00.44] Copy C:\System.sav\Util\TDC\MCPP\FBIRES\FBICSRES.DLL. [23:18:00.64] Run "Dism.exe /image:C:\ /Set-SKUIntlDefaults:cs-CZ ". [23:18:08.51] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [23:18:08.51] Launch PININST.exe for Offline ... [23:18:18.65] Starts [Sleep 10 sec]. [23:18:28.67] Starts [Create RStoneFUpdate.INI]. [23:18:29.61] Starts [create 1GB Pagefile for offline]. Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is B297-4A61 Directory of C:\System.sav\bbv 12/22/2014 11:18 PM 1,073,741,824 pagefile.sys 1 File(s) 1,073,741,824 bytes 0 Dir(s) 94,856,503,296 bytes free [23:18:29.65] Brand detection. [23:18:29.70] Customize error handling for Specialize ~ BBV1. 0 file(s) copied. [23:18:29.70] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [23:19:12.04] Check Win 8.1 configuration... [23:19:13.08] Check system ID... [23:19:14.07] Check OS SKU... [23:19:15.11] Check option code... [23:19:16.11] Check brand name... SKU_DEF_COUNTRY=[75] SKU_DEF_SYS_LOC=[cs-CZ] ----------------------------------- Reset country in administrator... ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Reset country in Default user... ---------------------------------- ------------------------------ Reset System locale ------------------------------ Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 6.3.9600.16384 Image Version: 6.3.9600.16384 Reporting offline international settings. Default system UI language : cs-CZ The UI language fallback is : en-US System locale : cs-CZ Default time zone : Central Europe Standard Time User locale for default user : cs-CZ Location : Czech Republic (GEOID = 75) Active keyboard(s) : 0405:00000405 Keyboard layered driver : PC/AT Enhanced Keyboard (101/102-Key) Installed language(s): cs-CZ Type : Partially localized language, MUI type. Fallback Languages en-US Installed language(s): en-GB Type : Partially localized language, MUI type. Fallback Languages en-US Installed language(s): sk-SK Type : Partially localized language, MUI type. Fallback Languages en-US The operation completed successfully. ------------------------------- Updated System Locale info... ------------------------------- [23:19:24.14] Start PIN Tweaks... [23:19:25.16] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [23:19:25.16] PIN Tweaks to hide All for BurnBoot BBV and BBV2 on restored image... [23:19:25.16] ---------------------------------------- [23:19:25.16] Tweaks for OOBE's Unattend.xml [23:19:25.16] to pick up the proper file... [23:19:25.16] ---------------------------------------- [23:19:25.16] rename unattend.org to unattend.or_ [23:19:25.19] ---------------------------------------- [23:19:25.19] without Light Sensor.. [23:19:25.21] ---------------------------------------- [23:19:25.21] This is Restored image by SSRD [SSRD.flg]... [23:19:25.21] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [23:19:26.16] Start MIR Tweaks... [23:19:27.18] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [23:19:27.18] [MIR Tweaks] ... [23:19:27.18] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [23:19:28.20] Start Factory Update(s)... [23:19:30.23] Start QFE Offline installation... [23:19:45.04] PININST_OFF: PASSED... [23:19:45.07] Type C:\System.sav\Logs\BBFindEr.log... [23:19:45.07] Type C:\System.sav\Logs\BBFindE0.log... ---------- C:\SYSTEM.SAV\LOGS\PININST_OFF.LOG Result=PASSED [23:19:45.08] Type C:\System.sav\Logs\BBFindEr.log... [23:19:45.10] Type C:\System.sav\Logs\BBFindE0.log... ---------- C:\SYSTEM.SAV\LOGS\BBFIND4QFE.LOG [23:19:45.10] Check FUList.log if there is duplicate Desc... Couldn't access C:\System.sav\logs\FUList.log... [23:19:45.15] No Duplicated Desc is found... PASSED. [23:19:45.16] There was no Factory Update...