ExpressCard slot a PCMCIA karta
Dobrý podvečer všem,
tak jsem s hrůzou zjistil, že do nových notebooků se již dává ExpressCard slot, kterej je fyzicky menší než jsou pcmcia karty. Zatím jsem nenašel nic, přes co by se dala pcmcia karta použít. Víte o něčem takovým? Moc by mi to pomohlo.
neco takovyho? adapters.aspx
"An adapter to connect a current PCMCIA card to the new ExpressCard interface"
(bacha, ta stranka nefunguje v opere)
Jo, ale tam píšou furure product, to moc nepomůže. Ale dík.
Jo ja vim, nejdriv jsem si toho nevsiml.. Kazdopadne je to zvlastni, ale nikde jinde jsem to zatim nevidel.
Nejde o to ze je fyzicky mensi, aj keby bol fyzicky rovnaky tak by si tam PCMCIA/CardBus kartu nenacpal
, ptz. Express Card je zalozena na PCIexpress, plus su tam tusim USB2.0 piny, takze sa bude nachadzat na NB s novymi PCIe chipsetmi. Ale nemas na tom NB ani jeden PCMCIA/CardBus slot? Myslel som si ze najprv zacnu robit NB tak ze bude jeden cardbus a jeden expresscard, ale ak nie tak to je dost problem.
Karta (prevodnik) s bridgom principialne existovat moze, ale nevidel som, lepsie je kupovat s novym NB rovno aj nove ExpressCard karty.
Ten problém ještě nenastal, ale nastane. Karta pcmcia už je koupená, takže bych potřeboval nějakej adaptér.
Tak ak maz uz kartu si vyberaj notebook ktory ma PCMCIA/CardBus (technicky je to mozne aj v novych NB s najnovsimi chipsetmi, zavisi od vyrobcu pre aky slot sa rozhodne).
Musi tam byt totiz elektronika (bridge) a dost otazka bude s napajanim tiez to musi riesit asi menic, co bude IMHO dost zvysovat cenu.
Pretoze prevodnik ExpressCard->CardBus moze aj stat viac ako ta tvoja CardBus karta
vkladam dnesny e-mail od DuelSystems:
Dear Valued Customer,
Duel Systems, Inc. is pleased to announce the launch of the DuelAdapter(tm)
, PCMCIA/Cardbus to ExpressCard adapter today, March 7, 2007.
Our new website, www.duel-systemsadapters.com was launched this morning and
is open for pre-ordering of the DuelAdapter (tm). The Suggested Retail
Price is US $119.00, however, we are offering a special introductory price
of US $99.00 through March 31, 2007 for on-line orders.
The DuelAdapter(tm) will work with Windows XP and MAC OS X systems. The
Adapter allows users of PCMCIA and Cardbus cards who have new notebooks with
either a 34mm or 54mm ExpressCard slot to utilize their cards fully and at
the speeds specified for the cards.
Each DuelAdapter(tm) comes with Windows XP and MAC OS drivers on a CD ROM.
A Windows VISTA driver will be available via download from the website in
the near future. The product is fully compliant with FCC, CE, UL and RoHS
standards. Full 24/7 support is available via our hot line numbers listed
on the website.
Initial shipments for product pre-ordered from www.duel-systemsadapters.com
are expected to begin shipping in 3-4 weeks. Your credit card will not be
charged until the order ships to you.
We appreciate your patience during the development process and hope you will
enjoy using the product.
David T. Ciembronowicz
Director of Sales & Marketing
Methode Electronics, Inc. / Duel Systems Inc.
Take jsem se na ten adapter uz dival, cena je solidni, zvlaste v porovnani s Novatel Merlin Express Card XU870, nejlevnejsi stoji s DPH pres 8500 CZK, proti tomu je 99 USD pakatel, navic si myslim, ze az se ExpressCard vice rozsiri, pujde cena dolu. Hned bych do tohu adapteru sel, jenom netusim, kolik budou delat naklady na zaslani z USA do CR. Nemate nekdo predtavu? Diky.
Za poslání chtějí 61 dolarů
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