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to je taky nápad, dávat hesla někam do čoudu... Na hesla je KeePass.
touchwood 16.06.2015 06:45
ja pouzivam 1Password, ale princip je rovnaky. Offline zasifrovana databaza. Ziadny cloud. nový
wam_Spider007 16.06.2015 11:16
A napadení serveru nějak souvisí s bezpečností uložených hesel?
Pan Töfl 16.06.2015 10:10
Pan Töfl
samozřejmě, jak jinak?
touchwood 16.06.2015 10:13
To musel programovat nějaký pablb...Ještě že jsem to nepoužíval...
Pan Töfl 16.06.2015 10:22
Pan Töfl
většinu věcí programují pablbové. To je premisa, ze které se v případě security doporučuje vycházet.…
touchwood 16.06.2015 10:47
LastPass has announced on their company blog that they detected an intrusion to their servers. While… nový
lucifer 16.06.2015 19:55
teoreticky ne, prakticky je to prostě průnik. poslední
touchwood 16.06.2015 20:04

LastPass has announced on their company blog that they detected an intrusion to their servers. While encrypted user data (read: your stored passwords for other sites) was not stolen, the intruders did take LastPass account email addresses, password reminders, server per user salts, and authentication hashes. The latter is what’s used to tell LastPass that you have permission to access your account.

According to LastPass, the authentication hashes should be sufficiently encrypted to prevent anyone from using them to access your account. However, the company is still prompting all users to update their master password that they use to log in to their LastPass account

= zase az tolik se nestalo

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