Přidat aktualitu mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové komentáře e-mailem Microsoft znefunkční Skype na starších zariadeniach

Upozorňuje na to rozposielaním oznámenia cez e-mail. Majitelia starších Lumií, ktoré stále patria medzi použiteľné telefóny, tak budú zrejme donútení si kúpiť novší telefón.

Important: You will no longer be able to use Skype on older Windows devices and TVs

We’ve noticed that you are, or previously were, using Skype on Windows Phone 8, Windows Phone 8.1, Messaging app for Windows 10 Mobile, Windows RT or a TV. We’re sorry to inform you that we will be permanently retiring these versions of Skype. As a result, after Ju‍ly 1, 20‍17, you will no longer be able to sign in to these versions of Skype.

Recently started using Skype on another device? Great, you can ignore this email.

You can also still stay in touch with friends and family using Skype on other devices. Sign in using the same Skype account. Get the latest version of Skype for all supported devices at download.

Zdroj: Microsoft
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Neni problem, na Store jsou tisice alternativnich aplikaci. ]:) nový
Redmarx N 06.06.2017 08:59
Redmarx N
Máš na mysli Facebook Messenger? :-) poslední
los 06.06.2017 09:10

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