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[h2]Play Claw 6.0 [/h2]


• Pro zobrazeni "FPS" nebo jinych "SyS.Info" ve hrach existuje opravdu velka radka, mezine patri i PlayClaw.
• S verzi 6.0 prichazi i podpora DX12, kde vetsina dnesnim SW tohoto typu jsou prozatim limitované do DirectX 11.1, SySInfo jde v Play Claw zobrzait bud klasicky v "AVG" cislech nebo jde pouzit i GRAF.
* Samozrejme nechybi i moznost HW acelerace H.264/AVC MPEG-4

[h3]Zkusebni verze [TRIAL] na stahnuti[/h3] : https://www.playclaw.com


FPS (shows frame rate and recording state)
Clock overlay
Image overlay
Stopwatch overlay
Timer overlay
Text overlay
SysInfo overlay (CPU/GPU realtime info, memory state, etc)
Teamspeak 3 (voice) overlay
Webcam overlay with a Chroma Key
Twitch chat overlay
Web Browser overlay


Video sources
Games and applications based on DirectX 9, 10, 11, 12 and OpenGL

Windows desktop (Aero must be enabled)

[Video codecs] 
H.264/AVC (appropriate hardware is required)
Pre-installed codecs compatible with Video for Windows standard
Our own Fast-codec

[Frame size]
Limited only for H.264/AVC encoding (max 3840×2160)

[Live STREAM] :
*Podporované sluzby

Custom RTMP settings
Předmět Autor Datum
v čem je to lepší než ffmpeg -f gdigrab -i desktop ... ?
dinnár 04.10.2017 18:51
Zajímavé volby překrytí, ale spíše bude pro streamery a samotné OSD nejde tak do detailů jako v MSI…
Peha 04.10.2017 23:12
Play Claw 6.0 looks like a game-changer with its advanced features like DX12 support and H.264/AVC M… poslední
hankena 08.01.2025 08:16

Play Claw 6.0 looks like a game-changer with its advanced features like DX12 support and H.264/AVC MPEG-4 HW acceleration, ensuring a seamless gaming experience. Speaking of exciting gaming experiences, if you're looking to explore something new, check out this guide on how to play Lucky 97? game. It's a simple yet thrilling game that's sure to keep you entertained!

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