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Popravde, ja do toho z technickeho hlediska nevidim tak dobre, abych to dokazala popsat/vysvetlit. U Apple je to integrovane primo v systemu, jestli by to dokazalo fungovat ciste jen jako aplikace, to netusim. Mluvim teda ted o tom primem streamovani zvuku. Aplikace pro ovladani procesoru ted uz cerstve existuje i pro Android, ale tam bych asi rekla, ze neni tak komplikovany datovy prenos jako u streamovani zvuku.

Odkaz na "vizualni predstaveni" toho systemu jsem nikde nenasla, vsude jsou akorat zpravy ze to bylo predstaveno a co to umi, ale ne technicke vysvetleni, na jakem zaklade to pracuje.
Jako treba tadyhle video nebo ruzne clanky, ale to ti asi moc platny nebude.

Zkusila jsem pogooglit - tady je clanek o MFi pro sluchadla (pro procesory ke kochlearnimu implantatu ale plati to same), ale protoze je to dlouhy, vytahla jsem z toho uryvek - vysvetluje to nejak tvuj dotaz?

Why Only MFi?

While Apple products are certainly popular, they are of course not the only ones in their category in the marketplace for consumer electronics. In fact, Apple products do not even have a dominant market share for smart devices in some countries. Thus an obvious question is why MFi hearing aids are only, well, made for iPhone and not other smart device operating systems. The answer to this is twofold. For one thing, the hearing aid industry is tiny compared to consumer electronics and hearing aid manufacturers have comparatively limited development resources. Apple, with its focus on accessibility, was the first manufacturer of smart devices to devise a power efficient audio streaming protocol that would be feasible for direct communication with hearing aids. Therefore, it was an obvious decision to begin with Apple products as hearing aid manufacturers must start somewhere. Another consideration is that the iOS is very well-controlled, unlike other smart device operating systems such as Android. This removes some variables that could affect the performance of the audio streaming and allows hearing aid manufacturers to gain some experience with this functionality. The Apple proprietary audio streaming protocol is available for any hearing aid manufacturer who wishes to implement it for their products to be compatible with iOS devices.

The next development in direct connectivity to smart devices will be apps such as the ReSound Smart app for the Android operating system. Because the ReSound LiNX is a Bluetooth Smart device, it is possible to write apps for other operating systems that can be downloaded to Bluetooth Smart ready devices like Android smart phones and tablets. Like the ReSound Smart app for iOS, this will allow users remote control functionality as well as other features that involve data exchange between the hearing aids and smart device. The ReSound Smart app for Android is planned for late 2014. Since there is as yet no standard audio streaming protocol that is appropriate for direct connectivity to hearing aids, it will be longer before this functionality is available for other operating systems or other manufacturers’ smart devices.

Pokud chapu dobre, je hacek v tom, ze Android zatim nema zadny protokol pro streamovani audia, ktery by byl vhodny pro pouziti u sluchadel/procesoru k implantatum. Asi je tam problem i s energetickou narocnosti, protoze asi neni zadouci lidem kvuli treba hodinovemu streamovani denne zkratit vydrz sluchadla/procesoru na tretinu nebo tak.

Tady jeste nejaky odkazy s infem o planech pro Android, pokud by ti to nejak pomohlo v pripadnem vlastnim patrani:

Kdyby ses do toho chtel nejak hloubeji ponorit, tak ti klidne muzu pomoct s nejakymi informacemi obecne o sluchadlech/procesorech, ale z te stranky operacniho systemu a aplikaci tomu fakt nerozumim a pak se i blbe hledaji informace, kdyz ani nevim, co bych mela hledat :-)

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