Test AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
S testy nových Ryzenů se roztrhl pytel. Jak by taky ne, jde nejspíše o nejočekávanější novinku letošního léta na poli hardware. Včera jsme tu měli test Ryzen 3600, dneska zamíříme výše - AMD Ryzen 7 3700X otestoval server diit.cz: https://diit.cz/clanek/recenze-amd-ryzen-7-3700x-zen2-v-plne-parade-je-tady
do X470 apod. se to dá narvat po aktualizaci BIOSu, ale už i tak mají problém zahrnout podporu všech CPUček kvůli tomu, že na starších deskách je 16MB EPROM čip k uložení BIOSu a to místo už je využité na maximum, takže musí odebrat s Ryzen 3000 Ready BIOSem podporu starších CPU nebo i podporu SATA RAID (dočasně) a okleštit rozhraní... zajímavý asi by stačilo nepoužívat tolik ikonek a obrázků v GUI UEFI
Jsem psal vedle, B450 a X470 umi DDR2667, dal uz jen OC na nahodu, jenze rada 3000 ma jako ideal DDR3200 (OC pak DDR3600), tudiz pokud je X570 moc draha, tak jedine pockat pul roku na B550.
A má smysl to řešit? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4k_ErEg-FU
Tôi đã kiểm tra sự khác biệt về bo mạch ở đây. Tuy nhiên, tôi nghĩ rằng sự khác biệt là không đáng với thời gian để đưa ra những cải tiến đó.
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AMD Ryzen 7 3700X demonstrates that it is a powerful and dependable CPU that can handle both work and eggy car entertainment tasks. With many enhancements and outstanding performance, the Ryzen 7 3700X will undoubtedly be one of the highlight items this summer, and it is an excellent pick for anyone seeking a powerful and efficient processor.
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X shows that this is a powerful and reliable processor that satisfies both work and entertainment needs. With many improvements and high performance, Ryzen 7 3700X will definitely be one of the standout products this summer and is the ideal choice for those looking for a powerful and efficient processor. slice master
As for the bag tearing during tests, this could be a new design feature to expect on the new generation Ryzen processors cookie clicker. Many new technologies always have innovative features compared to previous generations, so this can be an expected improvement.
The AMD Ryzen 7 3700X was one of the most anticipated CPUs of its time, offering 8 cores and 16 threads on the schoolboy runaway Zen 2 architecture. It provided excellent multi-threaded performance, solid gaming capabilities, and a 65W TDP, making it efficient compared to Intel counterparts.