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Narazil jsem na software choco, coz je package manager pro Windows. Neco jako apt-get z debian-based distribuci linuxu nebo brew z Macu. Treba se to muze nekomu hodit, vypada dost pouzitelne. Databaze k dnesnimu dni obsahuje 7216 balicku, ktere je mozno nainstalovat.



choco install git
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Mlocik97 16.12.2019 13:29
To ano, znamé to je a kromě toho chocolatey neni jediný. Ale pro někoho, kdo to nezná, a instaluje a…
HPET 16.12.2019 13:51
In the entertaining and simple-to-learn clicker game spacebar clicker, users may gain points and unl…
Miaksol 09.01.2024 07:43
Thanks for sharing the link to past STOs on ICOholder! It's interesting to see how the landscape of… poslední
adamjones 19.08.2024 15:14

Thanks for sharing the link to past STOs on ICOholder! It's interesting to see how the landscape of security token offerings has evolved. For anyone using Choco as a package manager on Windows, exploring https://icoholder.com/en/stos/past could be a great way to discover emerging technologies that might influence future software tools and integrations. By keeping an eye on these trends, we can anticipate which projects might soon have packages available through Choco, especially in the blockchain or decentralized finance sectors. Definitely worth a look for those who like to stay ahead of the curve!

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