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Updated titles include:

Internet Movie Database (IMdb) (136 megs) - "All the IMDB movie information on nearly 400,000 movies. Features plot summaries, reviews, cast lists, and theater schedules." Smaller files are also available: IMDB: Mini Movie Database, IMDB: English Movies (1960+), IMDB: English Movies (2005+), IMDB: TV Shows, and IMDB: TV Shows (2000+).

Wikipedia Encyclopaedia (1126.4 megs) - "The worlds largest free reference work (wikipedia.org) is now available as a single TR3 file. The Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia is a huge database containing a vast amount of resources from "Apple" to "Zoo"." Also available are a compact version (290 megs), and The Wikipedia (236 megs), which "contains all 1.3 million hyperlinked articles of the Wikipedia, but only the first “abstract” paragraph and then a link to the full text."

Wiktionary Dictionary Complete: "Witionary is the Wikipedia version of a Dictionary. Peer written and reviewed. Its an excellent dictionary..." (download - 35 megs).

Other top downloaded titles include:

WordNet Dictionary (7.4megs) - "With over 140,000 definitions, synonyms, and usage this English dictionary is just what you need. What's more, its now in TR3 format, categorized by word type, length and definitions. This e-book contains nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs."

CIA World Fact Book (2006) (7.1 megs) - "The ultimate reference to the countries and regions of the world. This TR3 version has maps and flags as well as loads of fascinating category information that you can use to filter and access information by population, government, military, and economic information. This version of CIA World Factbook has been released for 2006."

Sherlock Holmes Complete (1.6 megs) - "Even today, over 200 years since publication, these stories are gripping tales of pipe smoking sluthery. Elementary!"

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