Ad-Aware 2007 Free
Nová verze populárního antispywareWhat's New in Ad-Aware 2007 Free?* Redesigned Engine – Benefit from superior program flexibility and more accurate scanning methods with all-new program architecture.
* Improved Code Sequence Identification (CSI) Technology – Boost your privacy protection with precise detection of embedded malware, including known and emerging threats.
* Incremental Definition File Updates – Save precious time and resources with smaller update files resulting in faster download times.
* TrackSweep - Control privacy by erasing tracks left behind while surfing the Web on Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera, with one easy click.
* Multiple Browser Support – Choose Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Opera with expanded browser support.
* New Straightforward User Interface – Effortlessly maneuver the complexities of malware detection and removal with our new user-friendly interface.More Key Features* User-Controlled Spyware Removal - Decide for yourself what to delete from your system and what to keep.
* Extensive Detection Database – Stay protected with regular updates from the extensive library of identified and analyzed spyware.
* System Restore Point – Easily revert back to your clean system to recover from a spyware attack.download:
http://www.download.com/Ad-Aware-SE-Personal-Editio n/3000-8022_4-10045910.html?part=dl-ad-aware%26subj =dl%26tag=top5
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