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Včera vyšla nová verze emulátoru MS-DOS.Změny:
A bugfix release this time, but we couldn't resist adding a few new exciting features:
* Added a new recompiling cpu core which is easier to port!
* Added a x86_64 and a mipsel_32 recompiling core.
* Fixed hangups on certain platforms after long gameplay of several games.
* Fixed several joystick bugs.
* Improved cdrom support. (fixes for audio, iso and detection.)
* Improved SVGA and VESA. (detection and display)
* Fixed a few textmodes and improved ansi emulation a bit.
* Fixed pcspeaker and certain types of soundeffects.
* Added undocumented mousebackdoor.
* Made mount and imgmount a bit easier to use.
* Fix a few compilation problems on various hosts and a general code cleanup.
* Several small fixes that improve compatibility.Verzi pro Windows můžete stahovat tady: http://dfn.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/dosbox/DO SBox0.71-win32-installer.exe

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