Graphic Multiboot Solution - Aero&Studio!
Aero Studio 2007 is a graphic multiboot menu designing platform, including a designing-IDE and a runtime program. It is something like the EasyBoot, but more powerful than Ezboot, because it supports booting from both CD-ROM and Harddisk using a fashion UI, loading linux kernel directly and more. Since you've gotten tired of the black and white boot screen, why not try Aero? The specialties:* One-Time Design, Multi-Type Deploy* Multiple Bootstrap Programs and Disk-Image supported
Aero supports not only the Bootsectors, FDD-Image, HDD-Image - even using gz/zip compressed - to start your PC, but also the ISO-Image.* Powerful Graphic Supports and Multi Images Format Supports* Quick-Preview in Web Page
* Qemu-Inside, Design to Runtime Faster Than Everurcite to vyuzije kazdy, kto sa zaujima o multiboot
Nedávno jsem ho testoval, trvalo mi, než jsem se s ním domluvil. Mám pár zkušeností s multiboot a tohle se zdá dost dobrý.
brrr... to takoveho jednoducheho procesu jako je bootmanager tahat 3D grafiku? jezisi kriste
3d grafika tam nie je
Potvrzuju mkmt, grafika je 2D. Ten 3D náhled u zprávy je jen upoutávka, nic víc.