Přidat aktualitu mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové komentáře e-mailem Jarte 3, alternativa k Wordu

Jarte 3 je malá aplikace, textový editor s mnoha funkcemi, např.:
Fully compatible with Windows Vista
Tabbed interface to provide easy access to open documents
Opens all Word documents, including the new Word 2007 documents
Fast start up
Compact screen size
Optional "Clickless Operation" feature greatly reduces clicking
Can be run directly from a pluggable USB flash drive
High quality spell checker with custom user dictionary
Included spelling dictionaries: English (American, British, & Canadian), Spanish, French, German, and Dutch
Link to, or import, your existing custom Word spelling dictionaries
Support for templates
Export to HTML or PDF
Single click bookmarking and bookmark navigation
Send documents via e-mail
Full drag and drop file support
Instant access to recently opened documents and folders
Instant access to documents and folders designated as favorites
Adjustable document zoom
Detailed Help documentation
Další info na stránce výrobce.

Předmět Autor Datum
Na http://technet.idnes.cz/microsoft-office-neni-jedin y-vyzkousejte-zdatne-alternativy-zdarma-1i5-/… nový
čumil 20.10.2007 21:32
Sakra]:) edit: Jarte umí asi víc, angel jen rtf, ale i s obrázky:-) poslední
čumil 20.10.2007 21:36

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