Jo to mi prislo taky v praci mi to chodi porad , nejlepsi je ten ceskej kus co sem dostal ja >>
Milэ ъd,
Českб spořitelna přechodnэ zavěљenэ vбљ vyъčtovбnн.
Důvod : Podvodnэ Pokusy.
Aћ k oћivovбnн tvůj ъčet doprovбzet člen určitэ člбnek pod :
© Českб spořitelna a.s., K veřejnost uћнvat.
nebo >>
Dear Customer,
You have been chosen by Ceska Sporitelna online department to take part in our quick and easy reward survey.
In return we will credit 1.910 Kc to your account - Just for your time!
Helping us better understand how our customers feel, benefits everyone.
With the information collected we can decide to direct a number of changes to improve and expand our online services.
The information you provide us is all non-sensitive and anonymous - No part of it is handed down to any third party groups.
It will be stored in our secure database for maximum of 3 days while we process the results of this nationwide survey.
We kindly ask you to spare two minutes of your time in taking part with this unique offer!
Customer Satisfaction Survey
© Ceskб sporitelna a.s., For public use.
Minule mi prisli dokonce i v cestine a to tak ze text byl jak z translatoru, docela me to pobavilo