Vyšel QIP Infium RC1
Vyšla nová verze genialního IM klienta. Přímý link na stažení.
Změny oproti Beta 4(EN):
- Core: @qip.ru accounts support based on jabber protocol for future services like mail, server side history and etc;
- Core: autoupdate system;
- Core: removed need in copying protocol files for new account creation, everything works on program level;
- Core: possibility to delete protocol accounts;
- Core: autoanswer message now can be for every status;
- Core: updated metacontacts mode;
- Core: updated default skin graphics;
- Core: fixed contact list position change on temp resolution change;
- Core: increased connection timout interval for slow connections;
- Core: a lot of minor bugs fixed;
- Core: all protocols updated;
Zdroj: http://www.qip.ru