to nie je dostatocne presne vysvetlenie, 4 GB nie je technicky limit pre mnozstvo podporovanej pamate ako sa uvadza v clanku vid:
For example, the 32-bit version of Windows Server 2008 Standard supports only 4GB, while the 32-bit Windows Server 2008 Datacenter supports 64GB.
While 4GB is the licensed limit for 32-bit client SKUs, the effective limit is actually lower and dependent on the system's chipset and connected devices.
viac: Pushing the Limits of Windows: Physical Memory
je to sposobene tym, ze autor nerobi rozdiel medzi fyzickym adresnym priestorom a virtualnym adresnym priestorom
4GB je technicky limit ale tyka sa virtualneho adresneho priestoru a nema priamy suvis s fyzickym adresnym priestorom