Přidat aktualitu mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové komentáře e-mailem Ophcrack 3.3.0 and ophcrack LiveCD 2.3.0 released

Ophcrack version 3.3.0 includes support for our new tables vista_seven. These tables crack 99% of passwords of length 7 composed of almost any character including special characters. This table set will be included in our professional tables bundle.

New features have been added like the table size verification in order to warn the user if the tables have not been fully downloaded for example. It is also possible to tune how the preloading should be done.

An important effort was made to release a brand new LiveCD. A very interesting and refreshing distribution called Slitaz was customized to make a lighter than ever ophcrack LiveCD. It should enable us to update the LiveCD more often and to make your experience much better too. We would like to thank Slitaz team for their support in making this LiveCD. Do not hesitate to give a look at their stable distribution!

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Obvykle se tu strhnou požadavky, aby příspěvky byly česky (osobně mi angličtina v ničem nevadí). V t…
Pavel 02.06.2009 22:02
Totiž: česky, moravsky a slovensky. Jsem to jaksi nedomyslel, že tohle je mezinárodní poradna :-) P… nový
Pavel 03.06.2009 21:49
Panove, ten program je nekdy neskutecne pomaly !! nový
Alfonz.SPO 04.06.2009 10:41
stale neporovnatelne rychlejsi ako brute force poslední
mkmt 04.06.2009 11:18

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