TopOCR-Mobile LE; OCR řešení pro Windows Mobile (Win CE)
Pokud to chápu správně, jedná se o OCR pro Windows Mobile (PDA, smartphone, ...)
...This low memory usage has allowed us to port our OCR engine onto the Windows Mobile 6.0 platform and implement the entire TopOCR-Mobile UI with the widget engine, (hint: the toolbar is an iframe). TopOCR is smart about how it works, beginning with only extracting the luminance values from a JPEG image, a fast image optimization filter and native OCR engine take just seconds to process a page and paste the OCR text output into your phone's clipboard. Save it, dial it, translate it, because sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words.
Nezvládá češtinu/slovenštinu (to už by byl poloviční zázrak). Umí tyto jazyky: English, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish
FAQ k nalezení faq.html
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