To je vyhrazka?
Tu chodte na odkaz: nainstalujte doplnok a pokracujte podla instrukcii. Vo videu jasne hovoria, ze nepotrebujete NIC len prehliadac a pripojenie do internetu.
ps: Jo a to je dufam jasne, ze je potrebne si vybrat z predpripravenych lokacii. Nie barsjaku. Na mape su vyznacene dostupne mesta a ich casti.
In Building Maker, aerial imagery is needed to position and texture your buildings. As a result, the list of available locations is limited to those areas where this imagery is available. If your city isn't on that list, don't worry; the list of cities is always growing. In the meantime you can develop your skills by modeling other locations. Either choose a city and building directly, or let us pick one for you using the 'Help me choose an interesting location' option.
Ked prizuumujete na danu vybranu oblast, dole sa vam zobrazia budovy, ktore je mozne previest do 3D.