Do google sa pri defaultnom nastaveni nic neposiela !!! Nevies a dristas nezmysly.
Z google sa stahuje cely zoznam na lokal. Neni to velke (mozno 1 mega) ani si to nevsimnes. ection/firefox2/
What information is sent to Mozilla or anti-phishing partners when Phishing Protection is enabled?
When Phishing Protection is used in default mode, no information about the sites you visit is sent to Mozilla or anti-phishing partners. Rather, sites are checked against a local list that is downloaded to your computer and updated on a regular basis. When sites are checked against online anti-phishing services such as Google, the address of each web site you visit is sent to the online service over a secure SSL connection.
To je prave to ze vo FF to urobia seriozne, MS a ty by si samozrejme nieco posielal von.