Přidat aktualitu mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové komentáře e-mailem VLC Player 1.1.2.

Potěší nVidiáky.
Latest version:
1.1.2 (July 29, 2010)

Changes between 1.1.1 and 1.1.2

* Avformat fps displaying fix
* TS, fix an issue where some programs would get dropped (fixes DVB issues too)

Audio filters:
* fix timestamps handling on some filters that provoqued issues when playback
of mono streams, especially on Windows

* fix a bug in direct3d video output with old nVidia drivers that broke video
playback with overlay (YUV->RGB)
* fix console output encoding

Interface and extensions:
* Youtube and other scripts updates
* Misc fixes in Qt4 (especially VLM and EPG dialogs) and MacOS interface

http://sourceforge.net/projects/vlc/files/1.1.2/wi n32/vlc-1.1.2-win32.exe/download

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