Přidat aktualitu mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové komentáře e-mailem Trillian 5.1 Build 7 - Skype bez nutnosti mat spusteny Skype!

"Today we’re happy to announce a new beta version of Trillian for Windows! Our Skype™ plugin has received a great upgrade by way of the new “SkypeKit” SDK, which means you no longer have to run Skype and Trillian at the same time! You can chat, send files, and even make Skype calls directly within Trillian. In addition, we’ve polished up the chat history design, exposed the ability to send images on all chat services, upgraded our AIM and ICQ engines, added user streams and other new features to our Twitter engine, and fixed a handful of other minor bugs. The beta is available for immediate download – we hope you enjoy it!"

Zatial som to netestoval, ale odteraz uz bude stacit jediny program na Facebook, Facebook chat, ICQ, MSN, Jabber a okrem dalsich konecne aj Skype bez nutnosti mat spusteny v pozadi program Skype! Je to skvela sprava po problemoch s "tichym rezimom" a po novych praktikach v Skype o ktorych som uz pisal (Skype Home okno ktore sa neda vypnut, reklamy ktore sa aj po vypnuti opat zapnu a pod.).

Priamy odkaz na stiahnutie novej verzie.

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"A quick bugfix build has been released to address the most commonly reported issues with our new 5.… nový
Dreamer 01.09.2011 12:49
Nemozem editovat, tak reagujem na vlastny prispevok. Build 7 mne osobne ani raz nespadol, aj ked so… poslední
Dreamer 01.09.2011 17:08

"A quick bugfix build has been released to address the most commonly reported issues with our new 5.1 beta. All of the known reported crashes have been fixed, including an ICQ crash and a crash when initiating a Skype call. Bunch of other stuff listed in the changelog – enjoy the new build!"

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