Total Commander - 8.0b5
14.10.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 5 (32/64)
14.10.11 Fixed: Lazarus: Removed calls to RemoveStayOnTopFlags and RestoreStayOnTopFlags because otherwise TC cannot always stay on top when an external tool activates it (64)
14.10.11 Fixed: Button "Background" not working in dialog shown with Alt+F5 pack -> RAR -> OK (32)
14.10.11 Fixed: Copy progress stops showing copy speed each time when crossing multiple of 2 GB (64)
13.10.11 Fixed: In place rename box had larger border, which was controlled by the main window font instead of the listbox font (32/64)
13.10.11 Fixed: Font preview lost in Configuration - Options - Fonts when clicking on Apply (64)
13.10.11 Fixed: Fonts with non-English names (e.g. Korean characters) were shown correctly, but the wrong font was used in dialog boxes and the preview (64)
12.10.11 Fixed: Internal content plugin: tc.versionstring returned wrong version string (64)
12.10.11 Fixed: Remove underline from Alt+F4 Exit (x character) when using Alt+Letters for quick search, otherwise Alt+X closes the window (64)
12.10.11 Fixed: Crash when deleting to recycle bin on Windows 8 preview (32/untested:64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Copy progress dialog, overall bytes copied indicator did not support translation for k/M (32/64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Windows classic theme, flat user interface: Root button was cut off by one pixel on the left (32/64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Windows classic theme: Vertical line between root and parent button wasn't drawn after turning flat interface off and on (64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Windows classic theme: Vertical line between directory hotlist and history wasn't drawn on tabs (64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Drag&Drop to breadcrumb bar dropdown list, abort with ESC -> drag cursor shape was still shown (64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Lister: Caret (text cursor) position not updated when turning word wrap on or off, or when changing font (64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs started as separate program could not be closed via button "Close", but via button [X] or ESC (64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Non-English characters not supported in various places, like ftp password, firewall user name+password, packer locations etc. (64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Content plugins: Only try to load once if a plugin doesn't export all the required functions, set all functions to NULL to avoid crash (32/64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Main menu in TC, classic theme: Text on buttons must be displaced 1 pixel to the right and down when pressed (64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Alt+F10 tree, re-scan, Alt+Tab to other program could result in a crash (64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Search dialog, second page: Minor displacements of controls (32/64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Default beep when closing various dialogs with ENTER or ESC while auto-complete is OFF: Copy, move, rename, pack, unpack, unpack specific files (64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Shift+Enter (noclose.exe) not working with files from search - feed to listbox (because no path was passed to CreateProcess) (32/64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Line distance too high in FTP log window (ftp toolbar) (64)
Ved je to len beta. Bez cestiny a bez cracku.... to sa neoplati tahat.
No a? To jseš línej stisknout jedno tlačítko navíc?
Zkus si někdy přečíst, co je v tom okně napsané.
Ty si fakt <cenzúra>. Ja ho používam v beta verziách vždy v slovenčine a zaujímalo by ma čo chceš na tom crackovať, keď raz klikneš na číslo a do vypnutia počítača klikať nemusíš. Dokonca sa autor neobťažoval ani tým, aby obmedzil funkčnosť trial verzie, aby bola skutočne trial (myslím, že Salamander Commander tak obmedzený je). Dokonca aj kúpiť ho chcem, len už dlhšiu dobu je aj 30 eur pre mňa veľa. Skutočne kvalitný program, ktorý ani registre a disk nezasiera. A nie je nutné ho ani inštalovať.