Přidat aktualitu mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové komentáře e-mailem Nová,už stable verze AIMP3(3.00 Build 976)

Další build AIMP3, jo? Tak zkusit ho můžu, nic se nestane, ale na AIMP2 nedám dopustit. Krásně jednoduchý a přehraje co potřebuju.

BTW hezký zdroj.


Whats New:
• New style of both the program and the project in whole
• New version of skin-engine - focus to modern versions Windows
• Own sound engine - output using ASIO / WASAPI / DirectSound methods
• Playlists - Added "Single playlist mode"
• Playlists - Added ability to lock playlist from changes
• Playlists - Added ability to set individual appearance settings for every playlist
• Playlists - Extended functionality for working with groups
• Support of surround sound 5.1 / 7.1
• Completely redesigned the Audio Library
• Full support of the ReplayGain
• Plugins API has been redesigned
• Usability has been improved

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