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Prave vysla finalna verzia AIMP v3.10.

Ja som dlho odolaval prechodu od Winamp-u, aj ked mi vela veci vadilo a chybalo a tak ma zaujima kto este odolava, takze spustam aj anketu, mozno pomoze ludom objavit tento skvely program.

The major features in AIMP v3.10 (compared with AIMP v3.00):

    Audio Library: Added an ability to quickly navigate through field value with ALT key pressed
    Audio Library: Speed of adding files into the database has been increased
    Audio Library: An ability to choose default player - AIMP or build-in player of Audio Library
    Audio Library: The storage of playlists has been moved to the playlists manager of the player
    Audio Library: An ability of access to the catalog of Internet radio stations has been removed
    Audio Library: An ability of access to the content of flash-drives from Audio Library has been removed
    Audio Converter: The "Audio Converter" utility is distributed with the player again
    Audio Converter: Added an ability to encode files using few threads
    Audio Converter: Added an ability to encode files to APE, FLAC, OGG, WAV, WV, WMA and MP3 formats (Lame Encoder should be installed)
    Audio Converter: New design
    Common: Design of default skin has been updated
    Common: Skins are now stored in the profile folder of the program
    Playlist: All playlists are stored now in profile folder of the program
    Playlist: Playlists are not deleted now from the disk when you close playlist tab (optional)
    Playlist: Playlists Manager Dialog has been added
    Playlist: Added an ability of semiautomatic synchronization of the playlist with the specified folder or playlist
    Playlist: Added an ability to load few playlists to separate tabs via Drag-n-Drop operation
    Playlist: Added an ability to work with groups via keyboard
    Playlist: Usability of multiple files selection using mouse has been improved
    Plugins: Update Checker - Added an ability to download and install an update in semiautomatically mode
    Skin Engine: Text drawing speed is increased twice
    [li]Sound Engine: Algorithm of the resampler has been improved

Aký program používate na hudbu?

Winamp 5x
WMP 4x
AIMP 35x
foobar 3x
Winamp/WMP ale chcem vyskúšať AIMP 0x
Iný 1x

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