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A vzdyt jsou i plnící sady na barevne cartridge...nestacilo by to nejak restartovat?Našla jsem toto:
To Reset the Canon Cartridges Works 100%

Power off the printer
Hold the stop/reset button then press and hold power (for 5 secs)
Hold Power and release the stop/reset button
Press the stop/reset button twice
Relase power button
Wait until the power button lights a steady/still green, press the stop/reset button three times with a 3 sec space between each press.
On the 3rd press the inicator should be orange.
Press the power button to set data
To set data remove cartridges then replace.
leave for 20 or 30 secs
Press the power button again to shut down
Then press power button to power up.
The printer will feed one piece of paper through
then set language and counrty.
Then ink should be reset

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