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Dobrý den jaký je rozdíl mezi ATA/ATAPI 7 a ATA8-ACS? Na wikipedii a na netu jsem totiž našel max ATAPI7 tudíž nevím co je ATA8. Je to na disku WD Cavier Blue.


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en.wikipedia.org Pokiaľ sa jedná o SATA disk potom ATA8-ACS standard popisuje 4 režimy spotreby pre…
pme 13.05.2013 17:17
Nema to priamo nic so spotrebou, je to proste novsia verzia specifikacie (ACS je sekcia s commandami…
MM.. 13.05.2013 18:06
No áno je to "sekcia s commandami", na čo to je ? The ATA8-ACS standard describes four modes of pow…
pme 13.05.2013 18:10
commandy su na vsetko, bez commandov sa na disk mozes akurat tak pozerat vo vitrinke. trebars comman… poslední
MM.. 13.05.2013 19:05

Nema to priamo nic so spotrebou, je to proste novsia verzia specifikacie (ACS je sekcia s commandami) a teda tam moze byt nejaky novy command ktory v predch verzii nebol. V novsich verziach je toho noveho viac, nejaka alternativa k SMART informaciam apod, OS ich ale nevyuziva.

No áno je to "sekcia s commandami", na čo to je ?

The ATA8-ACS standard describes four modes of power consumption for SATA products
1. Active – The device is fully powered up and ready to send/receive data.
2. Idle – The device is capable of responding to commands but the device may take longer to
complete commands than when in the Active mode. Power consumption of the device in this
state is lower than that of Active mode. If a hard drive is present, it is spun up.
3. Standby – The device is capable of responding to commands but the device may take longer (up
to 30 seconds) to complete commands than in the Idle mode. Power consumption is reduced
from that of Idle mode. If a hard drive is present, it is spun down.
4. Sleep – This is the lowest power mode. The device interface is typically inactive and, if a hard
drive is present, the drive is spun down. The device will exit the Sleep mode only after receiving a
reset. Wake up time can be as long as 30 seconds.

commandy su na vsetko, bez commandov sa na disk mozes akurat tak pozerat vo vitrinke. trebars command Read Sectors je na citanie sektorov z disku. Samozrejme tento tam je uz dlhsie :D Nejake wikipedie su dost obmedzene, si porovnaj priamo specifikacie.
Power mody boli aj v nejakej starej specifikacii spred 5rokov (mozno uz aj spred 15rokov, neviem zhlavy a nebudem to teraz porovnavat :D)

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