Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Program TrueCrypt - off-line zakryptování primárního diskového oddílu s OS Windows 7


System encryption involves pre-boot authentication, which means that anyone who wants to gain access and use the encrypted system, read and write files stored on the system drive, etc., will need to enter the correct password each time before Windows boots (starts). Pre-boot authentication is handled by the TrueCrypt Boot Loader, which resides in the first track of the boot drive and on the TrueCrypt Rescue Disk.
ked zabezpecis ze to tam na stopu 0 do HDD nahra ten truecrypt bootloader tak to nabootuje. Ked to nezabezpecis tak to nenabootuje. Ak tam mas moznost zvolit Encrypt system partition tak to tam zrejme ten bootloader nahra. Konieckoncov nic ti nebrani to vyskusat.

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