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dneska mi přišel tenhle email:

(It's very urgent, Please transfer this email to your CEO or appropriate person, thanks)

Dear Sir or Madam,

We are a specialized company for domain name registration and protection. Here, we have an issue about your intellectual property rights to confirm with you. We formally received an application on August 1,2013 that a company which self-styled "Ar New Int'l Co" were applying to register "sachykarvina" as their Brand name and some domain names through our firm.

Now we are handling this registration, and after our initial checking, we found the name were similar to your company's, so we need to check with you whether your company has authorized that company to register these names. If you authorized this, we will finish the registration at once. If you did not authorize, please let us know within 7 workdays, so that we will handle this issue better. Out of the time limit we will unconditionally finish the registration for"Ar New Int'l Co".Looking forward to your prompt reply.
Best Regards,
Jim Wong
http://pc.poradna.net/file/view/14975-dg-network-o      rg-png

Co si o tom myslíte? Mám reagovat? Nebo je to spam? Stránky té firmy existují. Díky všem za odpovědi. Doménu www.sachykarvina.cz zaregistrovanou máme, ale je to samozřejmě jen spojení názvu města a slova šachy, žádnou "ochrannou známku" na to nemáme...

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