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dá se nějak v linuxu při změně hesla určit počet iterací PKDBF2? Protože při spletení nebo přihlašování na tty2 nebaví čekat asi 3sec.

něco jako u cryptsetup -i

 --iter-time, -i <number of milliseconds>
              The  number  of  milliseconds to spend with PBKDF2 passphrase processing.  This option is only relevant for LUKS operations that set or change
              passphrases, such as luksFormat or luksAddKey.  Specifying 0 as parameter selects the compiled-in default.

 Passphrase  processing:  Whenever  a  passphrase  is  added  to  a  LUKS  header (luksAddKey, luksFormat), the user may specify how much the time the
       passphrase processing should consume. The time is used to determine the iteration count for PBKDF2 and higher times will offer better protection  for
       low-entropy  passphrases,  but open will take longer to complete. For passphrases that have entropy higher than the used key length, higher iteration
       times will not increase security.

       The default setting of one second is sufficient for most practical cases. The only exception is a low-entropy passphrase used on a device with a slow
       CPU,  as  this will result in a low iteration count. On a slow device it may be advisable to increase the iteration time using the --iter-time option
       in order to obtain a higher iteration count. This does slow down all later luksOpen operations accordingly.

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