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FTP Server Help

You can configure ftp server on this page.

Follow the instructions below to set up your ftp server:

Plug an external USB hard disk drive or USB flash drive into this Router.
Click the Enable/Disable radio box to enable/disable internet access to ftp from WAN port.
Change the Service port to specify a port for ftp server to use (default 21).
The Internet Address displays the WAN IP address of this router, so that others can access ftp through this address.
If Wan type is PPPOE/PPTP/L2TP, there would be two connections. Therefore, users can access ftp server via two connections. Users in a private LAN can access ftp server via Public Address while internet users can access ftp server via Internet Address.
Click the Start button to start the ftp server.
On this page, when a share folder is added, you can view its display name, volume partition, folder path and you can delete the share folder by click delete button.

Name - This folder's display name.
Partition - The volume that the folder resides.
Folder - The real full path of the specified folder.
Edit - You can edit the share folder by click edit button.
Delete - You can delete the share folder by click delete button.

The max share folders number is 10. If you want to share a new folder when the number has reached 10, you can delete a share folder and then add a new one.

If you want to change the FTP settings, you need to restart FTP Server to enable the Settings Change.
Jeste se zeptam, mam na routeru pouze jednu USB zdirku. Muzu pouzit treba rozbocovac, abych mel jak FTP tak i treba tisk pres wifi?

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