Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Otvorenie suboru s priponou capi

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http://www.sawtoothsoftware.com/help/issues/ssiweb /online_help/index.html?hid_web_capi.htm

Use Field | Create CAPI Packages to create a "CAPI package," which is a single file (.CAPI extension) that contains all the information necessary to run the study. If multiple PCs (not networked) are used in interviewing, you may want to create multiple .CAPI files, one for each interviewing PC, for better field data management.

4. Install the "SSI Web CAPI" software on laptops or PCs used for interviewing. This is freely downloaded software from our website. Or, you can burn this installation program onto a CD-ROM to deliver to the data collection facility. (The CAPI installation program is also included in the "CAPI" subdirectory of the SSI Web program.)

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