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http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/w indows_xp-windows_update/help-i-get-error-message- 0x80190194-when-i-try-to/df7be7be-9e79-4a42-8217-7 8850d63fb7f

Current solution : Download IE8 For XP, run that, follow the install wizard, wait for it to fail. Download manually the recommended upgrade, reboot.

Restart the IE8 install, wait for it to delete previous IE. Reboot.

IE8 install restarts on reboot. Let it run. May have to reboot.

Try to run windows update again. IF it works, woot, otherwise, download the XP SP3 service pack from Microsoft. As the Windows update is failing, you have to download not an installer, but an ISO. Either burn the ISO to a CD and install (way to go......) or download a free tool like 7Zip and unzip the iso and install from there.

From there, start the SP3 install and hope that it works...
Vypada to ze v MS uz vymazali nejake updaty a ta chyba znamena "File not found". Musis aktualizovat najprv nejak rucne do urciteho stadia (kompletne SP3 a IE8) a potom by to malo ist. Problem je pravdepodobne samotny IE8.

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