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What is the Resident TeaTimer?
The Resident TeaTimer is a new tool of Spybot-S&D which perpetually monitors the processes called/initiated. It immediately detects known malicious processes wanting to start and terminates them giving you some options how to deal with this process in the future: You can set TeaTimer to:
- be informed, when the process tries to start again
- automatically kill the process
- or generally allow the process to run There is also an option to delete the file associated with this process.
myslím že se bez toho dobrodiní obejdu. pokud nad něčím hloubám, podívám se do logu firewallu, na vytížení procesů, pustím si starter http://members.lycos.co.uk/codestuff/, případně mrknu na popis na netu. ale že bych potřeboval mít trvale puštěné hlídátko všech procesů, e-e.