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tak toto ma je zlý sen: how-to-log-pop-imap-and-smtp-traffic-in-mozilla-th underbird :

Log POP, IMAP and SMTP Traffic in Mozilla Thunderbird

To create a log file with all POP (Post Office Protocol), SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) or IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) traffic in Mozilla Thunderbird:

Make sure Mozilla Thunderbird is not running.

Now, on Windows:
Select All Programs | Accessories | Command Prompt from the Start menu.
Type “set NSPR_LOG_MODULES=” followed immediately by “POP3:4” for POP, “IMAP:4” for IMAP and “SMTP:4” for SMTP logging.
Press Enter.
You can enable logging for multiple protocols by separating them with commas (‘,’).
To log both POP and SMTP traffic, for example, type “set NSPR_LOG_MODULES=POP3:4,SMTP:4” (excluding the quotation marks).
To log only IMAP traffic, type “set NSPR_LOG_MODULES=IMAP:4“, for instance.
Type “set NSPR_LOG_FILE=%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\tbird_ log.txt“.
Press Enter.
Type “start thunderbird“.
Press Enter again.
Perform the desired email actions in Mozilla Thunderbird.
Quit Mozilla Thunderbird and take a look at “tbird_log.txt” on your Desktop.
Takto triviálne sa vytvárajú log-y v klientovi ktorý má ambície konkurovať Microsoft-u, ... svet sa zbáznil a Mozilla by potrebovala poslať do pekel, tvrdím od Firefoxu verzie 3.5 a vyššie, dlabať na Mozillu ...

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