kerio firewall uninstall
potrebuju odinstalovat Kerio personal firewall ale pri pokusu mi to hodi hlasku:
Error 1720. There is an problem with this Windows Installer package. A script required for this instal to complete could not be run. Contact...bla bla
nejde ani preinstalovat a nic, porad to pise to same.
Muzu ho jen smazat? jak ho potom vycistim z registru a pod?
http://internet.nawebu.cz/servis-internet/200602/00 91.html
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?Fam ilyID=c717d943-7e4b-4622-86eb-95a22b832caa&displayl ang=en&Hash=VB346XB
Ty jo!
Fakt dik, Kerio uz je pryc.
Ten soubor windows Xp sript to vyresil.
Jses borec, uz jste mi tu pomohli nekolikrat. Ma to mnohem lepsi uroven nez poradna na zive.