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Jak tak koukam do konferenci, tak je to porad stejne:

Windows Installer Runs When Starting an Office XP Program

If the problem user account did not have the administrator right,
please perform the following steps:

1. Temporarily elevate limited user account privileges to administrator

Logon as Administrator.
On the desktop, right click My Computer, and click Manage.
In the Computer Management dialog, locate Computer Management->System
Tools->Local Users and Groups->Users.
In the right list view, right click your user item, and click Properties.
Select tab Members, click Add, and type ¡°Administrators¡± in the text box.
Click OK.

2. Log on as the problem user account and run one of the Office
applications. Follow the instruction to run the Office XP installation if
Windows Installer launches.

Tohle pisou pro Office XP, ale co vim, tak je to porad stejne i u 2003, tak tipuji, ze i pod 2007 to bude to same.

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