Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailemVyřešeno Jak smazat adresar z win XP?

ok, tadialto asi cesta nevedie. pozeral som na strankach Microsoftu co sa tam doporucuje a nasiel som nasledovne:

Cause 3: File system corruption is preventing access to the file
You may not be able to delete the file if the file system is corrupted. To resolve this issue, run the Chkdsk utility on the disk volume to correct any errors.

Bad sectors on the disk, other faulty hardware, or software bugs can corrupt the file system and put files in a problematic state. Typical operations may fail in a variety of ways. When the file system detects corruption, it logs an event to the event log and you typically receive a message that prompts you to run Chkdsk. Depending on the nature of the corruption, Chkdsk may or may not be able to recover file data; however, Chkdsk returns the file system to an internally consistent state. For additional information about using the Chkdsk utility, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
176646 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/176646/) Error message: The file or directory is corrupt...
187941 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/187941/) An explanation of CHKDSK and the New /C and /I switches
cize ja by som skusil v nudzovom rezime spustit chkdsk takto:
chkdsk /i /c D:\nazov_toho_adresara
daj vediet, ci ti to hodi nejaku hlasku a najlepsie by bolo urobit screen a hodit ho sem.

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