Utáhne zdroj Chieftec HPC-300-202 Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600?
Utáhne zdroj Chieftec HPC-300-202 (http://www.highpowersupply.com/product-ps-hpc30020 2.htm) Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 na desce IPBL-LB c01324212 nebo ASUS P5B-E P5BE? Grafika interní Intel GMA 3100 v případě IPBL-LB nebo nějaká "málo žravá" v případě Asus P5B-E. Bude to kancelářské PC hlavně na Internet a fakturaci.
pokud není napůl v háji, tak by s tím problém být neměl, deska s Q6600 bude mít spotřebu v desktopu do 150W (i kdyby bylo vše na 12V, tak se to i tak vleze do 13A)
Wau, tak to jsem ani nedoufal. Fakt se to vleze do max. 156 W na +12V větvi, když jenom Q6600 má max. TDP 105 W http://www.czc.cz/intel-core-2-quad-q6600-2-40ghz- 8mb-1066mhz-775pin-box/43308/produkt? K tomu 4x 1GB RAM, 1x SSD (není podmínkou), 1x SATA 80GB (nutný), 1x DVD ROM a 1x CD RW.
A který MB z těch dvou je lepší?
A sakra! Ten právě nemá interní GPU a dedikovaná GPU už může dělat problémy: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/244668-28-20pi n-power-supply-24pin-slot
"I tried to use an Antec 480W with 20-pin connector on a P5B with a 7600GT graphics card, and whilst it booted to windows without problems, any slight stressing of the video card resulted in video corruption and eventually a lock/crash.
Even with a 20-pin to 24-pin cable adapter, I had the same problem.
On other boards (nF4), with a 7800GTX installed, I did not have this problem, and was able to run with this 20-pin PSU (didn't even need the cable adapter).
The extra 4 pins supply additional power to the PCI-e slot, and I believe that it largely depends on how much power draw is required from the PCI-e slot for the graphics card (together with the capabilities of your PSU of course).
If you have a graphics card with a separate power connector, there's a good chance that you will be able to run the system with a PSU that has the 20-pin (or with the cable adapter) as the required power draw required from the PCI-e slot is generally less (my 7800GTX had a separate power connector, whereas the 7600GT did not)."