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No na Linuxu bych to řešil přes mp3info.

mp3info -h
MP3Info 0.8.5a Copyright (C) 2006 Cedric Tefft and Ricardo Cerqueira


	mp3info [ -h | -G ]

	mp3info [-x] [-F] [-r a|m|v] [-p FORMAT_STRING] file(s)

	mp3info [-d] file(s)

	mp3info [-i]  [-t title] [-a artist] [-l album] [-y year]
		[-c comment] [-n track] [-g genre] file(s)

	-a artist	Specify ID3 artist name
	-c comment	Specify ID3 comment
	-g genre	Specify ID3 genre (use -G for genre list)
	-l album	Specify ID3 album name
	-n track	Specify ID3 v1.1 track number
	-t title	Specify ID3 track title
	-y year		Specify ID3 copyright year

	-G		Display valid genres
	-h		Display this help page
	-x		Display technical attributes of the MP3 file
	-r a|m|v	Report bit rate of (VBR) files as:
		a - Average bit rate (float)
		m - Median bit rate (integer)
		v - Simply  use  the  word 'Variable' (string) [default]

	-i		Edit ID3  tag  interactively
	-d		Delete ID3 tag (if one exists)
	-f		Force processing if file is not a standard MP3
	-F		Full Scan (see man page for details)

	-p "FORMAT_STRING" Print FORMAT_STRING with substitutions

		Conversion Specifiers

		%f	Filename without the path (string)
		%F	Filename with the path (string)
		%k	File size in KB (integer)

		%a	Artist (string)
		%c	Comment (string)
		%g	Musical genre (string)
		%G	Musical genre (integer)
		%l	Album name (string)
		%n	Track (integer)
		%t	Track Title (string)
		%y	Year (string)

		%C	Copyright flag (string)
		%e	Emphasis (string)
		%E	CRC Error protection (string)
		%L	MPEG Layer (string)
		%O	Original material flag (string)
		%o	Stereo/mono mode (string)
		%p	Padding (string)
		%v	MPEG Version (float)

		%u	Number of good audio frames (integer)
		%b	Number of corrupt audio frames (integer)
		%Q	Sampling frequency in Hz (integer)
		%q	Sampling frequency in kHz (integer)
		%r	Bit  Rate  in  kbps  (see also '-r')

		%m	Playing time: minutes only (integer)
		%s	Playing time: seconds only (integer)
		%S	Total playing time in seconds (integer)

		%%	A single percent sign

		Escape Sequences

		\n	Newline
		\t	Horizontal tab
		\v	Vertical tab
		\b	Backspace
		\r	Carriage Return
		\f	Form Feed
		\a	Audible Alert (terminal bell)
		\xhh	Any  arbitrary character specified by the
			hexidecimal number hh
		\ooo	Any arbitrary character specified by  the
			octal number ooo
		\\	A single backslash character

This help screen is only a summary of command-line switches

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