Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailemVyřešeno Apple - problem s trackpadom

Mam takyto problem na kamoskinom Apple iMAC (OS X Yosemite). Po nastartovani PC ked sa chce kliknut na daneho usera, tak jej to neide Apple Trackpadom (bluetooth pripojenie). Klik nefunguje. Ovladanie kurzora je ale OK. Akurat nevie kliknut. Ked ale klikne niecim inym (napriklad mysou pripojenou kablom cez USB) a prihlasi sa, tak dalej uz klik pri praci funguje, ziadny problem. Jediny problem je teda len pri kliknuti na daneho usera pri prihlasovani. Nevie niekto poradit ako toto vyriest?

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DURI 14.11.2016 10:22
Tak som nakonieniec nasiel riesenie, dam ho aj tu, mozno niekedy niekomu pomoze (hadzem tu text od z… poslední
DURI 14.11.2016 12:59

Tak som nakonieniec nasiel riesenie, dam ho aj tu, mozno niekedy niekomu pomoze (hadzem tu text od zdroja pre pripad ze by za nejaky cas z daneho webu zmizol)...

How To: Fix Trackpad won’t click on Mac login screen

This was quite an interesting problem to solve – I had a call from a friend who recently got a Mac Mini, Apple wireless keyboard and an Apple trackpad. When they booted to their login screen or locked the Mac / it auto locked following screensaver being active, the trackpad wouldn’t acknowledge them clicking anywhere on the screen. For reasons best known only to Apple, they have disabled clicking on the login screen when using a trackpad! It’s not insurmountable thankfully – here’s how to enable that functionality:

Login using the keyboard (arrow keys, enter and so on) then open up Terminal and enter the appropriate command for your trackpad.

For old trackpads (tested on Snow Leopard):

sudo defaults write -g com.apple.mouse.tapBehavior -int 1

For multi-touch trackpads (tested on Snow Leopard & Lion):

sudo defaults write com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch.trackpad Clicking -int 1

That’s it, you should find the trackpad will let you click on the login screen as desired.

Zdroj: https://lastplaceonthe.net/fix-trackpad-click-mac- login-screen/

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