Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Open Suse 10.2 aupgrade 10.3 Alpha 5

I attempted to test on two installs, one version 10.2 and the other 10.3 Alpha 3. With 10.2, the package selection summary had a warning stating that upgrading from 10.2 to 10.3 isn't compatible. Furthering attempts, I then got several unresolved and locked files conflicts. I had customized that install trying to fix fonts, enable multimedia playback, and such so we can't really put all the blame on OpenSUSE. My other install was pretty much default and that upgrade process didn't fair much better. After warning me that libata doesn't support partition numbers beyond 15, configuration was fairly textbook. Then it spent quite a bit of time working away upgrading without issue, but ultimately shot an error about not being able to create the initrd image. So alas, the only real success I had was with a fresh install.


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