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Plocha prý takhle nejde sejmout: If you want to take a screenshot of an open Window, make sure that…
karel 11.04.2017 13:02
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Kráťa 11.04.2017 13:03
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JoDiK 11.04.2017 13:06
Nejde to, sám tohle řeším tak, že to v Irfanu oříznu. poslední
jirka44 11.04.2017 13:16

Plocha prý takhle nejde sejmout:

If you want to take a screenshot of an open Window, make sure that window has focus, and press Alt+PrintScreen and the result should be an image of only that window.
This only works with an open window, and does not work on the Desktop. If the focus is on the Desktop, you will always get a screenshot of both monitors.

Ještě zmiňují Snipping Tool, nezkoušel jsem.

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