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tak v tom pripade je to kod (podla ISO 3116) a nazov miesta (statu) odkial ten obrazok pochadza. vymysli si na to nejaky rozumny 3slovny popis :-)

P.S. tu http://www.iptc.org/IIM/ si mozes v stlpci vpravo stiahnut specifikaciu a tam mas popis IPTC poli.

Content Location Code
Repeatable, 3 octets consisting of alphabetic characters.
Indicates the code of a country/geographical location referenced
by the content of the object.
Where ISO has established an appropriate country code under
ISO 3166, that code will be used. When ISO3166 does not
adequately provide for identification of a location or a country,
e.g. ships at sea, space, IPTC will assign an appropriate threecharacter
code under the provisions of ISO3166 to avoid
conflicts. (see Appendix D) .
If used in the same object with DataSet 2:27, must immediately
precede and correspond to it.

Content Location Name
Repeatable, maximum 64 octets, consisting of graphic characters
plus spaces.
Provides a full, publishable name of a country/geographical
location referenced by the content of the object, according to
guidelines of the provider.
If used in the same object with DataSet 2:26, must immediately
follow and correspond to it.

Reakce na odpověď

1 Zadajte svou přezdívku:
2 Napište svou odpověď:
3 Pokud chcete dostat ban, zadejte libovolný text:

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