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Tak opat potrebujem pomoc. V zatvorkach napisem komentar a nizsie aj vysvetlenie danych vyrazov. Prekladaju sa len vyrazy v uvodzovkach. Pomoze mi niekto prosim?

#define TXT_NviewMenu_ShowGPS "Open GPS location in Google Maps" (Google Maps mozno netreba prekladat, ci ano?)

#define TXT_TemplateMenu_EXIF_GPS "EXIF - GPS" (toto predpokladam moze zostat tak ako je)

#define TXT_TemplateMenu_EXIF_Latitude_Ref "Latitude Ref." (tu si nie som isty, ci je to skratene zamerne, koli nedostatku miesta, potom bude asi takze prelozit)
#define TXT_TemplateMenu_EXIF_Latitude "Latitude"
#define TXT_TemplateMenu_EXIF_Longitude_Ref "Longitude Ref."
#define TXT_TemplateMenu_EXIF_Longitude "Longitude"
#define TXT_TemplateMenu_EXIF_Altitude_Ref "Altitude Ref."
#define TXT_TemplateMenu_EXIF_Altitude "Altitude"

#define TXT_Conv_Dithering "Dithering:" (toto predtym nebolo prekladane, ani v Cestine, takze asi to necham tak, inak by sa museli prekladat vsetky ostatne vyrazy a teraz to myslim ani nie je mozne)

- TXT_TemplateMenu_EXIF_ ...
All the new EXIF stuff is related to GPS and geographical coordinates (you guessed it). So the "normal" translations for "Longitude" and "Latitude" apply. A valid value for longitude would be "N 48° 36′ 0.00000″ ".
Longitude and Latitude contain the value, "Longitude Ref" and "Latitude Ref" contain the reference information (North/South or East/West, respectively).

- TXT_Conv_Dithering
For "Dithering:" the values "None", "Floyd Steinberg", and "Bayer" can be choosen. Dithering is well explained in Wikipedia, section "[edit] Digital photography and image processing". Translating "Dithering" might be hard.


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