Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailemVyřešeno Int. error: main2_w, 150


skusam spustit jedno starsie multimedialne CD, ale vypisuje mi to:
Internal error: main2_w, 150 (popritom sa otvori v dolnej liste dalsie okno s napisom authorware). Mam XP SP2, a grafiku Nvidoa FX 5200.

Nieco som nasiel:

This is a public service announcement for all of you seeking the solution to
the illusive Internal Error - main2_w, 150 problem trying to launch 16 bit
Authorware applications:

The nView Desktop Manager (and perhaps some other similar products) has an
option to "Add nView options to system menus" - since the 16 bit application
can't use Windows "system menus", it chokes when launching, with the main2_w

Simply uncheck the "Add nView options..." feature in the nView Desktop Manager
options. You don't have to disable the entire Desktop Manager. The 16 bit
Authorware app should now run normally :-D

...lenze toto mi nepomohlo. Skusal som to spustit aj z HDD a aj v rezime kompatibility so starsimi windowsami ale ani to nepomohlo.

Nenapada niekoho nieco dalsie?

Edit: poukoncoval som vacsinu programov beziacich na pozadi a uz to ide, taze vyriesene :)

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