Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem chety na port royale

Myslis cheaty? Napis trochu lepsie ze co myslis tym tvojim "chety".
Na mail ti nikto nic posielat nebude.
P.S. zadaj si do www.google.com slova:
port royale cheats
a citaj. Su toho tony. Napr. najdes okrem ineho

Lots of Money:
This will make you very rich. If you start out at Magarita on the tutorial you will notice the high price of tobacco. Go to one of the other ports and buy as much tobbaco as you can. (as long as your buying price is less than 900) Then take it back to Margarita and sell it. Keep doing this until you have as mich money as you desire.

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