Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailemVyřešeno čím zaplácnout disk (aby se nedaly obnovit soubory) před předáním počítače jinému ?

urcite nie softverovo a urcite nie dostupnym sposobom:

If the file's allocation had been destroyed or overwritten by other data, there is no possibility at all to recover this file. Once overwritten, it is unfeasible to retrieve the information that was originally stored there. Theoretically, you might be able to read the "rest magnetization" with an advanced technology such as MFM (Magnetic Force Microscope), but it is unknown if anybody can actually do this. Certainly, if this technology exists it is not "commercially available and affordable".

viac vid: www.runtime.org/recoverability.htm

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