Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem NIOCapi chyba pod omezeným účtem ve win xp

Něco snad vyřešili tady:

To fix, start the D-Link Air Utility under an Administrator-privileged account. Under Advanced, deselect the automatic startup of the Air Utility program. This gets rid of the messages, but non-admins can't run the utility.
Problematic version was (at least for me) this: Driver was (and is) 5.140.0523.2003, Utility was V3.1.5.30626
Now utility is V3.1.5.30808 and works fine with less rights. --> so updating utility fixed problem

http://forums.winxpcentral.com/archive/index.php?t- 7676.html

Pokud se můžeš přihlásit jako Administrátor…

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